The performance artist minister for the day, Coral Short, believes in monoplatonics and polyplatonics: you can marry all your best friends OR your one and only very special best friend!
Come get married to your favourite friend(s). No holds barred. This is an inclusive marriage ceremony for everyone.
Marriages will be performed until everyone is happily married. A marriage certificate will be available to all the happy couples, triads and friend groupings. Also! if you would like to marry yourself you are free and completely supported to do just that.
Please let me know who you plan on marrying in advance so I know how much cake and confetti is needed. Some preparations you can do for the big event:
1. get down on your knee or propose in any other way you see fit 2. decide on your outfits 3. prepare special vows if you want to
Spontaneous spur of the moment weddings are welcome. The wedding marathon ceremonies will occur one after the other outside of La Centrale in a semi secluded white wedding tent. The relationships must be strictly platonic and non sexual. This is a celebration of the longevity of deep platonic love. There will be a photographer on hand to document this joyous occasion. Please send your future marriages and questions to:
The Age newspaper has a regular feature in its Saturday magazine "Just the Two of Us" that interviews couples and friends and other kinds of special partners. Yesterday there was an interview with the guy from Things of Stone and Wood who wrote "Happy Birthday Helen" circa 1992. Guess what? He's still with Helen. I guess he really did mean it when he said "you're my everything"
2. Marvel about the fact that this article may result in the waterworks being turned on, but that things printed in the goddamn sodding Courier Mail usually make me cry for another reason.
3. Understand the many layers of Brisbane references in the interview and in their songs, in the way that someone who spent their whole entire life (excluding the last year + five months) living in Brisbane can. And well, hell, the Go-Betweens song "Karen" used to pop into my head when I entered the library at the University of Queenland when I studied there. And plus, I am forever a sucker for hearing the tales of people who have lived long, interesting lives in my town.
3. Watch the Go-Betweens song "Cattle and Cane" several times on Youtube
4. Then watch Grant Mc and Robert F performing it together
5. Feel a little homesick, feel a lot alone, wish for someone to give you a hug, and settle for going back out into the freezing, grey, cold, Melbourne winter day. But tell yourself to stop moping around and pick up the pace a little with the catchiest most summer-sounding substitute-for-serotonin soundtrack:
I got a ticket for the Poison City Weekender today...yep, I'll get to see one of my favourite-ever bands Leatherface for the third time in my life this September. And the serendipitous state of things is such that they are playing at the nearest pub to my house.
Frankie, if you're reading this, please play:
Watching You Sleep Dead Industrial Atmosphere I Don't Want to be the one to say it Springtime Hops and Barley Not Superstitious anything from the split with Hot Water Music
and I know it hasn't been announced yet, but if you do happen to get added to the Sunday arvo acoustic show, please play the Ship Song cover. that is all.
I'm Kylie and I'm an English teacher by day and I work at a trade union by night. When I'm not doing that I work at 4ZZZ FM (Brisbane's community radio station), and when I'm not doing that I write + make zines of the punk-related variety...and hang out with my hound Ruby.
I'm also obsessed with op-shops, especially ones in the far reaches of suburbia. But even more than that, I love friends and sweet times and coffee and roadtrips and driving around by myself singing when no-one else can hear.
there's interviews on this here blog with: Le Tigre, Billy Bragg, Margaret Thrasher, The Gaslight Anthem, A Death In the Family, Fear Like Us, Tibor from Kafe Kult, Graham from Resist Records, Andy from Poison City Records, CJ from 4ZZZ/Sea Shepherd punkrock benefit CD, Trash Talk.